2.5.1. ACLs

ACL or Access Control List, provides a way to secure Talkgroups. This allows to prevent users from either transmitting or receiving on a Talkgroup. Global ACL

Using the global ACL enabled or disables all users default ability to transmit (TX) and receive (RX) to the Talkgroup.


You can then define entries for individual users to get the security you require. Per user ACL

Example 1 - Everyone is able to TX and RX, except one


Here you can see everyone is able to transmit and receive, except Cc Clark, they will not be able to transmit or receive traffic for this Talkgroup.

Example 2 - Allow only one person to transmit, everyone receive


Here the global TX is disabled, this means no one can transmit, but RX is allowed. So anyone is allowed to receive but not transmit. However