2.7.1. DMR Weekly Activity

Raynet technical team run a weekly activity period on DMR. This activity period is run on Sunday afternoon at 1600 (local). The net is open for all Amateur operators to join, and is targeted to Raynet members to test out equipment and pass any traffic. The net usually runs for an hour and a half, with each operator given two overs.

map Talkgroups {
  Brandmeister => 23531
  Pheonix => 23531
  Wires X => 23531
  Raynet DMR => 5023531

The netcontroller (G4NRC), will follow the script below. Net Control Script


Speak Slowly, Clearly, and into the microphone at all times.

Prior to starting the net ensure you have the latest list of known stations on the talkgroup on hand.

CQ RAYNET This is G4NRC operated today by Name, CALLSIGN, serving as Net control for the RAYNET-UK Weekly Activity Net. This net meets each Sunday afternoon at 4:00PM local and is open to all RAYNET-UK operators.

The primary purpose of this net is to provide the opportunity for members, to test equipment, exchange traffic, news, opinions, and information. Additional information and announcements are available on the RAYNET-UK website which can be found at, RAYNET-UK.NET.

This is a directed net, which means all calls are to be made to the net control station unless you are instructed otherwise. All amateur radio operators are invited and encouraged to check into the net.

When checking into the net please announce your call sign slowly and phonetically followed by your name and whether or not you have traffic for the net. If you do not wish to have an over then please say “In and Out”. After a few check-ins the net control will pause and review the check-in list. If your check-in is not acknowledged, then please try again.

We will now begin taking check-ins to the RAYNET-UK Weekly Activity Net. Calls will be taken in callsign number order. Any stations with 8 in their call wishing to check-in to the net, please call now.

Thank you for these check-ins.

I have copied:

Recite check-in’s received, this is G4NRC

Are there any additional check-ins with 8 in their callsign, Please call now.

Thank you for these check-ins.

I have copied:

Recite check-in’s received, this is G4NRC

Repeat above for 7,6,5,4,3,2,1 until callsigns with ‘zero’ in the call and break those up into M0, G0 and any other zeroes.

At this time I would ask any strays who have missed their slot to call in now

I have copied:

Recite check-in’s received, this is G4NRC

I would now like to invite any international stations wishing to call in to please do so now, this is G4NRC

I have copied:

Recite check-in’s received, this is G4NRC

Before we proceed down the list let’s look at the news about RAYNET-UK and the digital voice networks this week.

Insert RAYNET-UK messages here

That ends the National RAYNET-UK messages.

I shall now call on stations on the check-in list, if you wish to leave the net after your call please say so:

Work down the list of Callsigns checked-in, one at a time

At this time we will now take in any additional check-ins. Any additional check-ins please call now.

Receive check-ins

Thank you for these check-ins.

I have copied:

Recite check-in’s received, this is G4NRC

This is G4NRC operated today by CALLSIGN, I will now work down the list again but without those stations who said they wanted to leave after the first turn.

Work down the list of Callsigns checked-in minus the leavers, one at a time

Before we close the net for today, if there are any additional check-ins, please call now.

Recite any late check-ins, and let them pass traffic, if any, as done above

I wish to thank all stations for taking time out of their busy schedules to participate in afternoon’s net. Be careful and have a good week. Until next Sunday afternoon at 4:00PM local time, I now close the RAYNET-UK Weekly Activity Net and return the network to normal amateur radio use.

73 to all this is G4NRC now closing and I will revert to my normal callsign of CALLSIGN.